24 Aug

A Constant Pressure System operates with a home’s well pump and a variable frequency drive controller to automatically monitor household water demand. The variable frequency drive speeds up or slows down the pump depending on your household water requirement. The end result is consistent water pressure when multiple water outlets are being used at the same time. 

The Aquavar SOLO 2 provides consistent water pressure with all the tried-and-true features of the SOLO plus innovative upgrades.

  • Can provide higher water pressure than most municipal systems
  • Increased pressure regardless of system demand
  • Retrofits to any existing well system
  • Reduces or eliminates noisy pipes
  • Helps provide total system protection, avoiding costly repairs
  • Works with existing pressure tanks or allows for space savings with the use of a smaller tank
  • Can be installed on an existing conventional 4” well pump system, regardless of the pump/motor manufacturer
  • Rated for both indoor and outdoor installation/use
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